Ontology of Divine Attributes from Perspective of Kalam Scholars of the Baghdad School

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctorate graduate of Shiite Studies of University of Religions and Denominations, researcher of Quran and Hadith University

2 Lecturer of Western Philosophy of University of Tehran

3 Doctorate graduate of Shiite Studies of University of Religions and Denominations, researcher of Quran and Hadith University.


In kalam discussions, discussing ontology of attributes especially relation of divine essence and attributes is a very important and controversial subject. In this essay we have examined viewpoint of scholars of Imāmiyya in the Baghdad school- because of their serious effect in kalam of Imāmiyya and the interatction of kalam of Imāmiyya and Muʿtazila in this period- on this subject. All kalam scholars of Imāmiyya in the Baghdad school like Muʿtazila denied excessive attributes on essence; nonetheless, there was discord among them regarding the acceptance of the theory of aḥwāl which Abū Hāshim al-Jubbāʾī had put forward. Although al-Shaykh al-Mufīd explicitly opposed Abū Hāshim’s theory of aḥwāl on this subject, al-Sayyid al-Murtaḍā alignedly with Muʿtazilīs following Abū Hāshim, like Qāḍī Abd al-Jabbār, accepted the theory of aḥwāl. Other kalam scholars of the Baghdad school like al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī and al-Karājukī took a stance with uncertainty on this subject.


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