Investigation of Cursing and Insulting the Opponents of the Household of the Prophet (Ṣ)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Qurān and Hadīth, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Master's Graduate in Qurān and Hadīth Sciences, University of Qurānic Sciences and Teachings, Meybod, Iran,

3 Associate Professor, Department of Qurān and Hadīth, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran,


Among the Shiite hadīth sources, there is a statement implying that the Household of the Prophet (Ṣ) have ordered their opponents to be insulted and cursed; "Nanu Ma‘āshira Banī Hāshim Naʼmuru Kibāranā wa ighāranā bi Sabbi-himā wa al-Barāʼah min Humā" (We, the company of the Banī Hāshim, command our elders and children to swear at the two and dissociate from them). Kashī first brought up this hadith in the fourth century AH in his Rijāl book (A book concerning the reliability of hadīth transmitters). Until the twelfth century, there was no trace of the mentioned statement in the hadīth books. Afterwards, the Akhbāri scholars quoted the statement with a slight difference in the books Awāmil al-Ulūm, Bihār al-Anwār and Rīyāḍ al-Anwār from Rijāl book by Kashī. The hadīth has additions and is cluttered, and the statement is the saying of Sayyid Himyarī from the Kiysānīyih sect not from the Infallible Imam (AS). In addition, in the chain of narration, there are transmitters such as Nar ibn abāḥ, Ishāq ibn Muammad Barī and Muammad ibn Jumhūr Ammī who are among the Ghālīyān (exaggerators). Since the phenomenon of cursing and insulting the opponents of Shiism and the Infallible Imams is highlighted in the view of Kiysānīyih and Ghālīyān, it can be concluded that the above-mentioned statement is additional, apocryphal and weak. Moreover, the content of the statement contradicts the verses of the Qurān and the hadīths of the Infallibles.


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