Interaction of Shiite Clerics toward Safavid Dynasty; Causes and Consequences

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor, Faculty of Law, Research Institute of Hawzah and University,


This Paper attempts to answer the question of the causes and consequences of the interaction of Shiite clerics with the Safavid state and explores the grounds for the growth of Shiism in this historical period. The method of this paper is to examine historical documents on how the Safavid dynasty behaves and what was the reaction of the Shiite scholars. Sunni moderate approach in Iran after the seventh century (AH) and Sufism attitude to some Shiite teachings like the perfect human guardianship that manifests itself through writing the twelve Shiite Imams history and the compilation of poems in their virtues, considered as the historical contexts of this approach. The interest of the Safavid dynasty in the Alawites and the need of kings and mujtahids to each other is due to the interaction of the Shiite scholars with the Safavid dynasty and the grounds for the expansion of Shi'ism in this period. Some factors for the invitation of religious scholars to cooperation were: the emergence of the idea of replacing the power center from Qizilbashan who were caught in the power struggle of the Safavid kings, the need for the influence of the word of religious scholars among the people, the inadequacy of Sufism teachings and the need for a jurisprudential-legal school (Sharia) to run the society and gain religious legitimacy. In contrast, the reasons for acceptance of the invitation by the scholars included: salvation from isolation and conditions of Taqiya and gaining religious and social freedoms, the revival of religious education and the consolidation of Shi'a foundations with the establishment of seminaries for religious knowledge, and the establishment of Shiite rituals and monitoring authoritiesand to prevent the promotion of vices and oppression to the people.


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