Strategies and Approaches of Debate in order to Defend Shi'a Boundaries (Case Study "Peshawar Nights")

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Alzahra University, Correspondent author

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Alzahra University


The debate is one of the logical and methodical techniques in the scientific and theological discussions that always has been taken into consideration of Islamic scholars and theologians. One of its outstanding examples in the last century is the ten meetings of debate among a group of religious scholars in the city "Peshawar" that have been held as sincerely and without prejudice. The main axis of these debates is explaining the true position of Imamate and Guardianship also resolving doubts about it. The description of these discussions has been written by eloquent story of "Sultan al-Wa'izin Shirazi" namely the "Da'i" in the book "Peshawar Nights". Investigating in this book and analysis of components of its debates can lead to a suitable pattern of the method in the field of theological debate. Actually "Da'i" according to the teachings of the Qur'an and the tradition of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), plays a major role in defending the boundaries of guardianship and often debates axiomatic method and by basics of the Quran and traditions and sometimes controversial manner or in the form of sermon. But his opponents that often played the role of the question designer are composed of a group such as "Hafez", "Sheikh" and "Nawab" that their method is often polemical and also is not empty of fallacies.


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